
Working Committees 

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Feminist for the Right to the City Committee


The committee's mandate is to bring to life our Platform of demands: femnists for the right to the city.

More specifically, the committee provides a space for our members to:

  • Be informed, equipped and engaged on urban issues.
  • Develop together feminist analyses and tools to make Montreal a more inclusive and equitable region.
    Support the TGFM when asked to intervene with institutions, political parties and local, municipal and regional authorities.
  • Strengthen solidarity, share ideas and resources.

For more information, contact Marie-Ève Desroches: marie-eve.d@tgfm.org

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Political Action Committee on Health and Social Services


The mission of the Political Action Committee on Health and Social Services is centered around oversight for the Women's health and well-being project. Committee members support the planning and implementation of the project's activities.

More specifically, the committee is responsible for:

  • ensuring the smooth operation of the community of practice;
  • supervising and supporting the project officer;
  • participating in the development of facilitation and evaluation tools for the community of practice.


For more information, contact Catherine Théroux: catherine.t@tgfm.org
