
Webinar: Nature and the environment In Tio'tià:ke/Montreal island

The April 14, 2021 at 13:00

How can we fight climate change and protect our territories using an intersectional feminist perspective?

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We are already experiencing the results of global warming, which, in the city, results in more and more frequent heat waves. These impacts are felt more strongly in areas where there are more people who are experiencing poverty, more racialized people, and more Indigenous people. To fight and adapt to climate change, it is necessary to protect the environment and promote natural spaces in the city. For instance, the creation of cooling islands, urban agriculture initiatives, reducing our dependence on cars, and reducing waste. It will be crucial to put social justice at the heart of actions and mobilisations to protect the environment and the fight against global warming.

The webinar will open with a panel that will introduce analyses and actions grounded in intersectional feminist perspectives on climate change, the ecological transition and territorial protection.  The panel will be followed by a discussion workshop to identify the main obstacles, opportunities for demands and actions to be taken as feminists for a more inclusive city.




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