
Join the Movement for a Just Recovery

May 28th, 2020
Bloc text

As we confront the COVID-19 health crisis and prepare to reopen the economy, organizations throughout Canada have joined their voices to demand a just transition and recovery for a viable economy.

For years, we have witnessed chronic inaction and under-investment towards the pre-existing crises of colonialism, social inequality, human rights violations, environmental destruction and climate change. The current COVID-19 crisis forces us to confront the failures in our social and economic systems.

The status quo is untenable. We refuse to return to a pre-pandemic economic approach that was already feeding an environmental, climate and social crisis whose impacts could be even larger and more irreversible than what we are currently experiencing.

The Six Principles for a Just Recovery were developed by hundreds of organizations throughout Canada who have committed to working together to build a more just, resilient, and egalitarian society that prioritizes the common good. Your organization can show its support here.
