
The CQMMF Unveils its Demands

September 3rd, 2020
Bloc text

On March 3, 2020, the Coordination du Québec de la Marche mondiale des femmes (CQMMF) unveiled its five demands for the Marche mondiale des femmes 2020 (World March of Women). These are the result of a consultation process carried out in 2018 with its entire membership of more than forty organizations.

The fight to end violence against women is as critical as it has ever been, as is the fight against poverty, another sad reality in women's lives. The rights of migrant, immigrant and racialized women are also the subject of a demand regarding the implementation of inclusive measures that would guarantee their access to services and the full exercise of their rights. In terms of climate justice, we demand measures to facilitate access to potable water and to nutritious food at an affordable price. Finally, a number of demands and recommendations were made specifically for Indigenous women. We demand justice, reparations, safety, awareness, training and support for front-line organizations

The call for mobilization has been made. Throughout Quebec, the regional groups of the WMW and women's groups have submitted or will soon submit these demands to the minister responsible for their region, while the CQMMF will meet with Minister Charest on March 6, 2020. The mobilization will culminate in a large-scale demonstration in Terrebonne on October 17, 2020.
