Survey on the mobility of women living with disabilities in Montréal
The Table des groupes de femmes de Montréal wants to promote changes for more sustainable, inclusive and safe mobility for all. To achieve this, we are launching a survey to people who identify themselves as women, living with limitations (motor, visual, auditory, intellectual, cognitive, related to chronic pain, mental health, etc.) and travelling several times a week on the island of Montreal.
The survey invites you to identify accessibility and safety issues in your travels as well as the impact on your daily life. The majority of the questions are multiple choice and take 20 minutes to complete. The survey is confidential.
The survey is available online via Google Form. It includes ASL interpretation and voice description. It's available in English and French. It is possible to download a copy in Word or PDF format and send it to us by email. Contact us for assistance in completing the survey or obtaining paper copies.
You have until June 23 to complete the survey and send us completed copies.
This survey is part of a mobilization supported by members who come together at TGFM: Maison des femmes sourdes de Montréal, Y des femmes de Montréal, Logifem, INÉÉI-PSH, Société Logique and Défphys Sans Limite.
Take the survey now
Access the outreach kit
Our outreach kit includes images to share the survey around you, the version in Word and PDF format.
Contact: Marie-Eve Desroches,, 514-381-3288 ext. 2