
Women and sexual diversity 

The Réseau des lesbiennes du Québec (RLQ) is a national autonomous community organization that acts as a collective advocate for the rights of sexually diverse women in Quebec, including  "women who are cis, trans, two-spirits, gender fluid, queer, agender, or non-binary, and who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, gender fluid, asexual, or questioning" (RLQ, 2020, para. 1).

The RLQ has produced two surveys (only in French) to better understand:

1) How can we describe the realities of sexually diverse women in Quebec?

2) What are some of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic for these individuals?


Survey 2020: portrait of sexually diverse women in Quebec

16 femmes et filles illustrées sur fond rose

Watch the presentation of the portrait (french only)


Survey "COVID-19: Impacts on sexually diverse women in Quebec" (2021)

10 appareils électroniques (tablette, cellulaire et ordinateur portable) dont les écrans affichent des personnes vacant à leurs activités professionnelles et de loisirs


To learn more:

Go visit the RLQ website
