
Montreal Women’s Right to Housing: We’re Working on It, Are You? 

Le droit au logement des Montréalaises: on y travaille, et vous? L'image est une série de maisons en rangées qui est habitée par une communauté de femmes diverses. Des icones sont disposées en dessous de l'image pour indiquer le désir d'accéder à un milieu de vie accueillant, sécuritaire, qui offre un accès universel, abordable et sainThe right to housing is a major concern for Montreal women's groups. For this reason, the Table des groupes de femmes de Montréal (TGFM) published an initial report on the subject in 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic and the housing crisis motivated us to update that report. Over the past year, we surveyed 59 women's groups and mixed-gender organizations through a questionnaire, focus groups and one-on-one meetings and analysed a series of documents. This report focuses on three themes used to explore issues that limit women's right to housing in Montreal and the actions undertaken by grassroots organizations. The report provides concrete recommendations and resources that allow for further reading.

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Full report in pdf accessible

Executive summary in accessible pdf
