Women and Homelessness: Towards Better Ways to Share Knowledge and Practices
On March 17, 2015, 80 participants representing more than 50 organizations came together as part of a public event organized by the Table des groupes de femmes de Montréal and its partners on the topic of how homelessness is experienced by women.
A survey of several women's groups and organizations that work with or are likely to work with women experiencing homelessness was carried out in the autumn of 2014, in response to needs that were expressed during the 2012 forum "See Better, Act Better: No to Women's Homelessness". The March 17, 2015, event was an opportunity to share the results of the survey and perspectives on strategies and methods for collaboration, networking and fostering increased solidarity in order to speak with one voice on the issue of women experiencing homelessness.
This document presents the results of the survey of women's groups and community groups working with, or likely to work with, women experiencing homelessness.