GBA+: Prevent Systemic Discrimination
In an effort to account for the needs of vulnerable, under-represented or marginalized groups, the City of Montreal is working towards the integration of a differential analysis intended to prevent systemic discrimination for all its policies, programs and services. Prior to its full adoption, three municipal services and two boroughs will participate in a pilot project to apply this approach in their decision-making processes.
A differential gender-based analysis plus (GBA+) analyzes the effects of public policies and programs based on quality of life and inclusion for men and women. It also includes the notion of intersectionality by taking into consideration all people who can experience other forms of discrimination based on their gender, age, socio-economic status, ethno-cultural origin, disability or sexual orientation. This approach seeks to recognize and take action against forms of marginalization that can multiply in some situations.
Pilot Project
The GBA+ will be tested out over the course of two years in three municipals services―diversity and inclusion, urbanism and mobility, and real-estate management and planning―as well as the office of the sports director. The boroughs of Ville-Marie and Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce will also apply the principles of the GBA+ as part of the pilot project.
"We have taken this step to work towards equity and inclusion in all of our municipal projects, programs and services. It’s important to ask ourselves the right questions from the beginning, when we are getting ready to make a decision, and this pilot project will help us do just that. This approach will allow us to take actions, sometimes quite simple actions, to make our city more just and inclusive―one that stands together," declared Valérie Plante.
The City of Montreal has now begun integrating GBA+ in municipal project planning, as was the case for the new aquatic complex in Rosemont. In this case, the application of a GBA+ means users will be able to use an all-gender locker room with windows to the exterior. This allows access to a non-gendered space while increasing user safety. Among other elements, people of all ages or with functional disabilities will be able to access it.
"As is already the case with sustainable development, which is systematically included in all decision-making processes, we are choosing today to create an obligation towards social inclusion. The City and boroughs must develop this reflex of making our services, programming and facilities more inclusive for populations that are sometimes overlooked," concluded Rosannie Filato, the Responsable du développement social et communautaire, de l'itinérance, de la jeunesse, de la condition féminine et des sports et loisirs (Chief of social and community development, homelessness, youth, status of women, and sports and recreation).
Source: City of Montreal, 15.11.2018
Related page (in French): Un pas de plus vers l’inclusion à Montréal, Lisa-Marie Gervais, Le Devoir, 16.11.2018