
Extraordinary General Meeting

The March 15, 2022 at 13:30

The objective is to finalize the adoption of the feminist platform for the right to the city and to present the proposed action plan.

Bloc text

Over the past year, we have conducted a two-part consultation to map feminist concerns and engagement on urban issues:

  • The Feminists for the Right to the City webinar series, which allowed us to engage with organizations that are carrying out feminist and intersectional analysis and actions to transform Montreal. Nearly 300 people listened to and discussed with the 22 panelists from 19 groups.
  • The Montreal Feminists What City Do We Want for Tomorrow? questionnaire surveyed Montreal organizations on their concerns, commitments and feminist tools to take action on urban issues. 47 TGFM members and non-members responded.

The meeting will be an opportunity to present the results of the consultation, but especially to adopt a platform of feminist demands for the right to the city. This platform targets actions and demands for

  • Sustainable, safe and inclusive mobility
  • Right to housing
  • Local resources and neighbourhood life
  • Income and working conditions 


Each of these major demands integrates cross-cutting concerns:

  1. Safety: collectively ending violence in public and private spaces ;
  2. Health: living environments that support physical, mental and social well-being;
  3. Inclusive access: fighting against ableism by ending prejudices, amenities and communications that create barriers, discrimination and exclusion;
  4. Spatial justice: ensuring that the entire city is well served, equipped and developed;
  5. Fighting poverty: income should no longer be a barrier to meeting one's needs;
  6. Climate justice: environmental protection and the fight against climate change must consider the associated inequalities and involve the groups concerned;
  7. Parity and equitable participation: avoid tokenism and ensure fair representation in decision-making bodies, jobs, etc.
  8. Training and research: training about our blind spots, valuing and relying on the expertise of lived experience and documenting emerging issues and systemic discrimination;
  9. Participatory democracy: fully engage marginalized populations in debates, consultations, consultations and decision-making;
  10. Initiatives "by and for": to enable the populations concerned to become involved in the transformation of the city.


The first part of the platform was adopted on February 10th in assembly. Let's meet again on March 15 at 1:30 pm to finish the adoption! Due to the health situation, the meeting will be held by Zoom.

To register 

Let us know your accessibility needs when you register. LSQ interpretation and translation to English may be available if requested before March 7th.


This meeting is for TGFM members. It's never too late to join our movement!

To become a member of the TGFM
